Thursday, April 5, 2012

Small Businesses

Marketing Research

For Your Small Business- How to Get Started

Make plans now to attend!

  • WHERE:  Strawberry Point Civic Center, 401 Commercial (located by the Library)

  • DATE:   Thursday, April 12th, 2012

  • COST:   $10/person

  • TIME:     6:30-8:30 p.m.

  • INSTRUCTOR:  Rob Williams, UNI Regional Business Center                           

  Pre-registration is required!  Thank you for registering at:

Delaware County Economic Development:  563-927-3325

Clayton County Economic Development: 563-245-2201

Sponsored by:

Manchester Enterprises, Clayton County Economic Development, Strawberry Point Economic Development, Manchester Good to Great, Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce, SCORE, Northeast Iowa Business Network, Delaware County Economic Development & Edgewood Economic Development                                         

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