Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kiss the Pig Fundraiser

Kiss the Pig: A Chamber of Commerce, Fundraiser
Strawberry Days 2012
The Strawberry Point Chamber of Commerce is having a “Kiss the Pig” Fundraiser. The proceeds will go toward the funding of Strawberry Days for next year.
Kiss the Pig Rules:
Ø  There are 10 participants that have a jar with their name on it in the Chamber Office
Ø  For each person who you would like to see kiss a pig; you make a donation to that person’s jar
Ø  The person that has the most money on June 9th 2012 at approximately 4:45p.m; will have to kiss the pig
Ø  Vote by stopping by the Chamber Office at 105 W. Mission Street, or mail in your vote to P.O. Box 404 (make sure you indicate who your vote is for (Citizens State Bank & Farmers Savings Bank will also take your vote))
Ø  You may vote as many times as you would like, for as many people as you would like
Ø  There is no limit, just remember the more money you give to your favorite (the person you want to kiss the pig) the more chance that person will have to kiss the pig
Ø  Money is a vote. The more money a person has the more likely that person will have to kiss the pig
Ø  The pig is a real pig that will be 100lbs when it is time to kiss that pig
Ø  Results will be posted in the Press-Journal, Facebook, & blog. Keep looking to find out who is in the lead
Here is the list of people you many vote for to kiss the pig:
Dale Fox, Mayor
Lisa Rima, Strawberry Foods & Deli
Lorna Sheckles, President of the Chamber
Carrie Weaver, Economic Development; Director
Kevin Meyer, Strawberry Point Lutheran Home Community; Director
Mike Breitbach, Political Party
John Beard, Political Party
Mike Tucker, City Council Member
Bob Pope, Police Chief
Mark Meyer, City maintenance

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